At home in

the nocky-mountains

Perfectly equipped

Sun, wind or rain.
You are prepared with good fitting and functional clothes.



Meeting the special needs of your feet and best support for your joints.
Bootfitting - that´s something we are good at!
And we want to have enough time for your individual bootfitting!
Just call us for optimized boots.

BOOTFITTING for hiking shoes

New favourite boots within a short time. We have a look at your feet, find the best type of shoe and check the fit on our outdoor shoe testing area. Optimizing is possible with inner soles, or using individual fitting techniques as pressure and heat.

BOOTFITTING for ski boots

Your feet are what´s most important – the measurement for the perfect shoe. Forming with heat or foam (f.e. Strolz skiboots) is made directly at your feet. So you will have best pressure and power transmission. 

A skier is just as good as his shoe…